
"You can borrow my crossbow"

Norman Reedus and Laurie Holden MTV interview

"I think Andrea is in a severe depression," Holden told MTV News of her character's state of mind at the end of the finale. "I think she's very apathetic. Her reason to live has been taken from her. Amy was her heart."
"Her deciding in the season finale that she was going to live wasn't necessarily for her," she continued. "It's because she didn't want another death on her hands. Dale gave her no choice. She's looking at this man and he's saying, 'I'm going to die if you don't get it together. I'm going to die if you don't come with me.' ... She kind of hates him for it, because she wants to check out."
As for what lies ahead for Andrea, Holden alluded to the character's evolution into the group's resident sharpshooter in "The Walking Dead" comics.
"[At first], Andrea doesn't know that she has this skill set," said Holden. "I think that will organically unfold where she'll actually go to the shooting range or something will be written where she's like, 'Oh, I'm a natural!' I am so excited, because I have a little bit of a tomboy in me, but I'm very excited to start going out with the guys and start shooting zombies."
"You can borrow my crossbow," Reedus added, citing his character's affinity for culling the zombie hordes with a well-placed crossbow bolt instead of a bullet.
"That's so sweet," laughed Holden.
When it comes to the hot-headed, squirrel-hunting younger Dixon brother he plays in the series, Reedus is a bit more optimistic about Daryl's evolution in Season Two.
"I think there are leader qualities in Daryl, so I think once some trust issues are more defined, he'll take on roles that are less hot-headed," said the actor.
"Maybe he'll find some love," teased Holden.

"I think once he's out of the shadow of his big brother, I think he can man up and be less of the eight-year-old, and not exactly a kick-ass man, but a make-decisions man," said Reedus.