
Killer Film Interview

First off congratulations on the success of The Walking Dead, and especially with your character of Daryl who was an original creation and quickly became a fan favourite. How much input did you have in the development of your character, if any?

Norman Reedus: Hey, thank you. I had quite a bit actually, the writers on the show were kind enough to have me in the writers room starting with the second season. They asked me questions, “how does Daryl feel about this, and what do you think he really thinks about Andrea or Glenn etc. .” I was given the opportunity to sort of help plan out the storyline with him where we wanted him to go and so forth. They allowed me to plant little seeds that eventually, hopefully turn in to story lines or parts of story lines

What can you tell us in regards to Season 3 and what lies ahead for Daryl?

NR: Ha nothing … Well I can say we will at some point see a family reunion in the mix. If that goes well or not we will both see in the future. I’m sure some words will be exchanged, and possibly some bullets and fists, maybe an arrow or two!

Looking back, how do you feel about The Boondock Saints? It has become a huge cult hit, did you think it would be back then and how does it make you feel now?

NR: I was very excited to get that part. I was just starting out as an actor then and I know a lot of better known actors were fighting for that role so I was happy to just get the job to be honest. I had no idea it would become what it is today. It’s sort of like the peoples’ movie, no press no pr no theaters, all word of mouth. That’s a huge accomplishment for both us and the fans of the film.

Did a sequel feel bound to happen? And what was that experience like?

NR: It definitely seemed long overdue. I know Troy really tried to address all the fan mail, about 10 years worth and make everyone happy. I think he felt he owed it to the fans that kept that franchise alive through out the years.

Aside from The Walking Dead, do you have any upcoming projects you can tell us about?

NR: I have a few. One is called Hello Herman, it’s about school bullying and the consequences that come of that, very Columbine like in a way. And another I’m really proud of called Sunlight Jr. with Naomi Watts and Matt Dillon. I’m kind of a dick in that one, those are always fun.

We at KillerFilm would like to thank you for your time, and once again congratulations and we wish you all the best.

NR: No thank you. I’m excited to see Australia, for the first time ever.